Miraculous Gifts – Extra Material
Book recommended:
- To Be Continued?: Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today?
- Paperback by Samuel E. Waldron
- http://amzn.com/1879737582
Audio recommended:
- A Case for Cessationism (Tom Pennington) A Case for Cessationism (Tom Pennington).mp3
- Charismatic Counterfeits – Do the Modern Gifts Meet the Biblical Standard (Nathan Busenitz)Charismatic Counterfeits – Do the Modern Gifts Meet the Biblical Standard (Nathan Busenitz).mp3
- Providence is Remarkable (Phil Johnson) Providence is Remarkable (Phil Johnson).mp3
- A Word from the Lord Evaluating the Modern Gift of Prophecy (Nathan Busenitz)A Word from the Lord Evaluating the Modern Gift of Prophecy (Nathan Busenitz).mp3